Because of course we hadn't had enough fun and games and American-type things on Saturday, the next day - after brunch with a friend, and a somewhat eventful drive to Trenton - we went to watch a baseball game at the Trenton Thunder home ground. A bunch of Girl Scouts were going, and it was cheap, and seemed like a fun thing to do. It was also a beautiful day, which helped. I had vague memories of baseball from my childhood, and was surprised to see that the pitch (well, the diamond really) seemed to be a lot smaller than I remembered. This being a 'family day', there were a lot of corny little things going on in between moments of play, where local businesses sponsored prizes for fun-fair type games - very cute - and even one or two exciting moments in the game itself.
Oh, and for the record, apparently my driving isn't so bad, and it definitely helped to have someone act as navigator and telling me where to turn: it greatly cuts down my getting lost, and I am now seriously wondering whether I should invest in a GPS talking thingy, because it made me feel so relaxed to not have to worry about getting lost!
What else...oh yes, we had some of my friends over for dinner, and inspired by the no-meat requirements of a couple of them, I decided to go all Southern Italian and cook various kinds of vegetables antipasto/contorno style: zucchine alla scapece (fried courgette marinated in vinegar and mint), melanzane a funghetti (fried aubergine with tomato), peperoni arrostiti (marinated roasted peppers), to be eaten with nice bread, followed by a radicchio risotto (not Southern Italian, I know, but still very yummy), and doused with excellent local micro-brewery ales (yes, nice ale over here too!). I was very pleased with our efforts, especially since I hadn't tried many of these recipes before, and it's always good to be reminded that one can rustle up a perfectly nice dinner without using any meat.
The rest of the week was spent in NYC, but that is matter for another post....
I wrote this before what happened yesterday, hence the remarks about my driving...
well, apparently you jinxed yourself!
I would also consider a gps if I were you, although I spent part of my day yesterday hating it and cursing it out loud while alone in the car because it had dead batteries and the stupid thing wouldn't cooperate with the car's cigar lighter so I couldn't re-charge it. I ended up relying on the good neapolitan people and asking for directions, which worked out perfectly, but maybe it isn't so easy to pull over in the Big American Street, so it could be a good and reassuring thing for you to have a gps.
oh and the neapolitan-vegetarian dinner sounded lovely:)
Who was it who made the melanzane a funghetti?
Yes, yes, I should have given Nick proper credit for the melanzane - I apologise.
Fu - yeah, usually I get lost in the Big American Countryside and I could only ask a cow or a horse for directions...
Then I applaud Nick, because melanzane a funghetti are tricky. The only question now is, were they good?:) I will need a sample sent to my home in order to decide.
Yes! I was very impressed. There is a little left in my freezer - maybe you can come over and let me know what you think? :-)
now I must, you leave me no choice.Besides, I always wanted to indicate "Melanzane a funghetti" as "Reason for your visit":)
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